Articles Tagged ‘banking’

Why Have an Emergency Fund?
Monday, April 27th, 2009

Many people pride themselves on having a good handle on their finances. They pay their bills in full and on time month after month. They manage their credit cards expertly, and even though they could get all the credit they want with ease, they refrain from opening new accounts that they don't need. But if they do not have an emergency fund, they could still find themselves struggling at any time. No matter what your income level, having an emergency fund available these days is of the utmost importance. You just never know what could happen. Here are some potential scenarios...

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Your Emergency Fund
Friday, March 27th, 2009

These days life is full of surprises. One day we are making ends meet with something left over and then a day comes when all of that can change. One day we are gainfully employed, the next we are given a pink slip. With the unpredictability of day to day living, having an emergency fund saves worry over finances when you are already worried over other things. What is an emergency fund? Well, it is money that you have set aside for unforeseen situations. It could be an illness in the family, loss of a job, an...

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